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People Project


My project revolving around people and buildings both link to one another.



The concept was to create a series of prints out of images that have no direct correlation to one another, this was done on purpose in order for the audience to create their own narrative about the work on display. 


There where a few aspects that remained the same throughout the printing processes. 
- All images where prepared in the same way on photoshop 

- All images where printed with the CMYK printing processes. 
- All images where printed the same size as one another. 


Through first glance colour associations, viewers of the work are able to create their own narratives about the prints, when testing the concept. Many people assumed each image had something to do with one another, almost like the display was a test and it was rather obvious what the answer was. 

It's been quite interesting to see what the audience thinks about the layouts and the images. 

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