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Photography is not something that is largely involved within my main studio practises at university. 

It's something that I mainly do within my spare time, or I help out other friends with other smaller projects where they need quite a lot of images to help them out; I would usually go out with them and help them take their photos.


The areas that I focus on are all quite local to me, and I even end up taking quite a few close up photos within my own back garden depending on the weather. 
A lot of the more industrial types of photos that I take are taken slightly further out from my own home, but still in-between just Ilkeston and Derby, in Derbyshire. Before I enter these areas, I do ask for permission or check to make sure that you are aloud in that area, no photos are taken illegally. 

There is something that I have always deeply admired about photography, and the essence of capturing a moment forever. I love to go out and capture nature, capture the seasons or the environment that surrounds that tiny little flower, or that specific leaf. Capturing people has never really appealed to me, I find some of the images that you find on Instagram to be too plain; As if there needs to be something else there to really create any interesting capture. 

All of my photography images are taken on a Canon 450D EOS camera. 
The only images that are photoshopped afterwards are my urban lights images, all of the images are taken in RAW format and just have different camera options set up depending on the area that the photograph is taken in. 


At the moment, I split my photography work up into 5 sections. 

Each of them capture a different essence of photography and picture taking, and a different essence to our lives. 


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