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Fluid Art

Fluid Art is yet another form of artwork that I create, but then do not include within my main studio practices within University. 

When it comes to Fluid Art, it appeals to me due to how free you can be with the colours that you want to use, and the movement of the paint is so free that you can't actually predict as to how a piece of work is going to turn out.


I don't really use fluid art within my own studio practice as I know that it is something that I can do outside of the studio environment whenever I want too, but when it comes to screen-printing and lino printing, they are only things that I can produce with the large press machines.

Even though I thoroughly enjoy the amount of experimentation that you can produce and I adore how free the outcome is, it's something that I will always work on outside of the studios.

Within the fluid work that I create, I split them up into three different categories; Acrylic Fluid, Watercolour Fluid and ink Fluid. 


Using the drop down menu, you'll be able to find these categories, within each category is also a brief explanation as to how I create some of my pieces of work. 

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